This brings me to a crossroads. I haven't quite decided what I'm doing from here. Part of me would like to grow it out. Part of me says to keep it short so it doesn't look stringy.
We've been so caught up in holidays and vacation and such that we haven't done much of anything to shorty's hair. So I was thinking..there are so many people who still use this blog even tho it's come to a standstill. I don't want to delete it! I also don't want it to become stagnant. So, faithful blogger friends...I was thinking that maybe there is someone who still has a shorty who has less hair than mine who has time to dedicate to doing her hair in fancy new ways for others less fortunate in hair areas.
Guest contributers? Anyone interested? I'd love to keep this blog where it is (so everyone can find it) and just add a few new people as authors.
Email me at emmersisthemommy at gmail dot com. Let's talk. DON'T LET SHORTY HAIRDO'S DIE [/unnecessarily overdramatic]