But why would such a young couple and new couple have such problems that they would be career ending?
Personally, I think that it has to be a lack of a good role model when it comes to relationships and it also has to be not having the proper guidance. I say this because, as a youth, I don’t see how you would know what to do in a relationship. I mean, we are just learning who we are, so imagine embracing another personality? I stay away from a relationship at such a young age because my parents explained to me what a relationship is all about and I am not yet ready for that. They have a great relationship and it is very involved. They support one another.
I find it complicated to do so as a youth because I have grades that I want to keep up and a budding career that I can not afford to have interfered with. Was there anyone to tell them what they were getting in to or to stop them? I just wonder.
They said that Chris saw his mother beaten and that he cherished women because of that but what made him explode? Did a flashing of what he thinks a man should do to his woman pop into his mind? Or did he lie about his feelings for women? I think the first is more true to his explanation then the latter.
I think what is more disturbing is that they are not too far from my age and there are youth that admire them and now they may follow in their footsteps, especially if they get back together.
Is a teenage love really worth it when there is no proper guidance?
I know for a fact that there is domestic violence in a lot of teen relationships, but my question is will people pay more attention now that it is in the celebrity circle?
A young mind would like to know….
Share your wisdom, elders.
Tweety E.