I came across this blog and i have to say i was very shocked by all the things i read. I mean im not going to put the blog up until futher notice but as far as im concerned the majority of people - put it on themselves to have "someone" look down on them and blog about them. tsk. i mean ofcourse it is not my business and i try to keep my fair distance from the "mix" and from people who surround themselves with no-gooders but i feel like , had you kept your business to yourself - NO ONE will have the ability to air you out and destroy whats left of your rep. Theres a fine line between having fun and doing what has to be done - the RIGHT way.
So word to the wise , like i always tell my friends - dont mix business with pleasure and everyone that smiles in your face aint your friend. Just like everything that glitters aint gold, feel me?
FRIENDSHIP comes from years of understanding ones personal issues and the ability to stand by them. NOT "oh we went to this party together - shes my friend" NO ! thats not a friend, because she drove you home or let you hold down something because you was short.
I feel like people need to sit back and understand the word friendship and the word respect for thy self and for others. smh once your rep is destroyed its def hard to bring things back to normal, you know - so just think before you speak and so on. AIGHT ?!
&hearts Chinkee