The emotional rock music has given birth to the emo style. To be a real emo first it has to be understood that what actually emo means, you have to check out some things that make you perfect emo girl or emo boy.
New Emo Hairstyle-Haircuts Emo Boy
You should match the emo music taste and the opinions the emo people have. Emo hairstyle and wardrobe make you an emo person but the perfect look comes with an emo face. A perfect6 emo makeup will make you look one of them. But the main thing that you have to remember is that you are not becoming an emo to show it off to your fr4iends you are becoming an emo because that whet you are.
New Emo Hairstyle-Haircuts: Emo Face
For taking a perfect emo makeup all you need is a moisturizer, foundation, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, light lipstick tones and loose powder. In just ten easy steps you can have an amazing emo look. These ten steps include:
New Emo Hairstyle-Haircuts: Perfect Emo Make up
• Apply moisturizer on your clean face
• Then spread primer over the moisturizer
• Put the base shadow on your eyes
• Now add the defining color to it making a T format
New Emo Hairstyle-Haircuts: Emo eye

• Spread these two colors properly over your eye lids
• The next step includes applying mascara
• Then the liner with broad lines , you can apply it on the upper or lower water lines or even on the inner lid
• Then you can add on the foundation or the blushes.
New Emo Hairstyle-Haircuts: Emo

Emo makeup shows the combination of the punk and Goth makeup but the main difference remains with the eyes. The main attraction on the emo face is given to the eye makeup, the more defined your eye makeup is the more it looks good.