Sorry for my late post, but I had many things to do in school.
Today I had 3 exams: polish, geography ang english.
High school is really tiring. I have to study everyday (in weekend too!). I don't have a day, when I can tell "Okey, today I am free". In this school I am never free. Because of it I have a headache and I am really sleepy.
Yesterday and 2 days ago I went to bed earlier than normal. I slept about 8 hours and I was tired! It's sick. I can't stand it anymore.
Yesterday I had 6 lessons so I could go out for a moment. I went shopping and bought some warm clothes: sweters, blouses etc. Then I got back and studied.
Today I had also 6 lessons. I was in home at about 15:00. I ate dinner and now I can write something on my blog. But I am really tired. Soon I am going to library.
Soon is my birthday :) I am happy. I will be 16 years old. Haha. But people think I am 13-14.
Reportedly I look younger. But it's pretty cool, because in my future life I will be longer young. ^^
Do you have these lipsticks? I don't, but I want to buy.
I need your opinion. Are they good? Worth to buy? Please tell me in comments :)
Do you know them? I love! But they are very expensive. I don't have. >.<
What do you think? I love them.
Do you know Tsuji Nozomi? I love her. And I also like Mari Yaguchi. They are very cute!
Okey ^^ I have to go now.
See ya!