Do you know?
Pu3 is in her 3rd year of University now!..... and life's pretty cramped *_* My courses are shortened into a month and a half now instead of 3 months. Im not taking 4 courses in 1 go anymore~ only 2 at a time .

I realized the amount of intelligent students in my class~.. its like Im the only stupid one there! *_* Its annoying to see people making that "what? You don't know? What have you been doing in class?" face when I asked a question. Its not that easy to understand.. I need to work harder! No more stupid questions please!
Guess I wouldn't blog as much from now on... or would I still do? Drawing and blogging is the best way to cool myself down anyway. I mean, Im not a robot what. Plus, I easily get mental block nowadays.
Hurh, lets go somewhere else.
Let me introduce you my new stationary case. I bought em in Harajuku Japan! \(^_^)/
A choco banana that sighs a lot! How awesome is that? *3*
You could also peel it open! [It doesnt talk really laa~ -_-']
Don't you think my peachain is pretty cool too? (^o^)
Go squeeze it out!
And I love my Domo pen~ XD so cutteeeee berabez~ !
These cute things~... were always my stress reliever in class. The science class atmosphere are pretty serious and boring. I couldn't express my true self there, it gets me many times~ its suffocating really... But my stuffs, were always the one that bring me back to earth, the only things that make me smile.Let me introduce you my new stationary case. I bought em in Harajuku Japan! \(^_^)/

You could also peel it open! [It doesnt talk really laa~ -_-']

Go squeeze it out!

Pu3 started to write her diary again. Im afraid her feelings might be too depressing to be published :P
In reality, Im always pulling everyone down with me if Im sad~.. I hate doing that! Hopefully, I grow up and learn to control myself more overtime.
I really hate to make people worry, but I always do.
I am very sorry T_T *Lot of Love*
I really hate to make people worry, but I always do.
I am very sorry T_T *Lot of Love*