Im back ...after so long.. haha . I know you guys miss me! :P
Anyways , was in Kota Bharu , Kelantan from the 11th of October-14th of October.
It was a camp to expose us to more of the careers and teach us how to dress , write our resume before going for an interview . Well , the talks were kind of boring but i did learn some stuff from them .
Day one.
All the wakil KL met up at the Jabatan Pendidikan . I reached there around 8.15am and Chiam was already there talking with others . The first friend i got to know was Aaron . He's a really funny guy . On the way there , got to know the some other wakil KL . eg ...Daniel , Rugen , Vinod and Vincent and Amanda . Then we stopped at a petrol station in Bentong to makan our breakfast and buy junk . Chiam and I went to the toilet and camwhored . HAHA!
Daniel ate almost 10% of his junk when he got into the bus and guess what the bus hasn't even move. HAHA! Anyways , we continued our journey there. Nearing gua musang area , i spotted a hill that looks like boobs! Seriously , then i asked chiam to take a pic of it . :P
Then we stopped again at a R&R for our lunch! We then saw a group of students there too but not sure they were going to the same place as us .
Then after lunch we continued our journey there . Well finally we reached the place at 7.15! A long 10 hour drive ..... Ouch, yes my ass hurt alot and i was really bored cause i couldn't sleep at all . When we reached , we were asked to have our dinner first . After dinner we registered and got our room numbers . I was in room 125 and Chiam was in room 121 . Quite near lah :D
We had to wait outside cause nobody was in our rooms. The malays went for their prayers and non-muslim went for moral class . So we had to wait for almost half an hour . Sigh... then we camwhore while waiting .
We had to wait outside cause nobody was in our rooms. The malays went for their prayers and non-muslim went for moral class . So we had to wait for almost half an hour . Sigh... then we camwhore while waiting .
We waited and waited until one of Chiam's roomate came back . First friend we made there from another state . Her name is Jocelin/ Wen Ching from Terengganu . Really nice and friendly girl . I took bath at Chiam's room since my room still dont have anyone . Then later while walking to the dewan , finally there was ppl in my room so went to tell them i was sleeping in the same room as them . My roomates were all Malays but all from different states eg , from Penang was Amira , Then Odah was from Terengganu and another one i forgot her name .... but she was from Kelantan . And i had quite a hard time understanding them as they each have their own very own slang .
Anyways , we had ice-breaking for that night . We hugged and shoke hands with other ppl and we did alot of singing .... LOL! A reeally different kind of ice-breaking coz it was full of singing :D Slept about 11.30 pm .
Second day , i woke up at 5 ! Thanks to the person that told us that our moral class was at 6 . Then we waited till 6.30 am for our moral class and i was really sleepy . LOL .
While waiting .
Then we had breakfast and then went back to our rooms to change into our uniforms cause there was a opening ceremony that morning . Had to wear formal so had to wear our blazers . Waiting outside the dewan .
Inside the dewan camwhored with Chiam together with our blazers and i took some random pictures in the dewan .
After all the talking from the Ketua Pengarah of Jabatan Pendidikan Malaysia and others , we had our makan besar! :D Alot of food la eg , chicken , lamb , beef , vege , ulam . haha . We didn't finish all our food lah . Me and Chiam forced ourselves makan the lamb cause we didnt want to waste the food . All the tables finished their food so malu if we don't finish some of it .
Later in the evening , we went back to our room to rest for awhile coz we were too sleepy . We then headed to the front of the dewan makan for our next activity . We got into our own groups which we got spilted earlier . My group was group 3 and our group name was NARUTO . haha i know it sounds funnny but it has a meaning which is Nekad Anak Remaja Untuk Terus Optismis . Our motto was Beyond the Expectations . Anyways , we had riadah with our own groups at the beach . Fun time running round and round . haha .
After the riadah , we went back to have our dinner and our shower and changed into new fresh clothes . Oh during dinner , Chiam was hinting me that the hot guy was near our table and she saw him looking so when she asked me to see , i actually was already looking at him and he smiled at me ! HAHA , then Chiam went really high like she kena strike lottery or something . hhaha. We attended moral class after showering .
We then waited for the forum . They invited two tokoh from Kelantan. One was a doctor and another one is a business woman . The hot guy was sitting just next to us . How lucky lah :D
Then at 7 took our breakfast and then had to wait for others . And i was super hyper already in the morning .
We did some chicken dance before leaving the place to Asia Pacific Flight Training Centre . Group 3 and 4 was in the same bus .
After that we went back to the resort for lunch and met gather at the hall again at 2 . This time each group had an assignment . We had to interview a person with a career that they had given us . My group was a doctor career . We took the bus down town and then we walked to find some clinics . First two clinics turned us down saying the doctor was busy . Then the third one accepted us so the boys went in and interviewed him . They told us he didn't really answered all their questions coz he like putar belit the answers . haha . But his nasihat was really funny coz he said if can don't be a doctor eventhough can make alot of money because other jobs also can . If want to be a doctor u must have passion and also need to study hard , if dont have then no need to be a doctor ! I translated it into english lah , what he said was in bm . I literally laughed when i heard that . Then after completing it , we went to shop! I didn't buy anything except for dodol . My group members bought lots of keropok , budu , asam etc etc . After shopping went to the stadium to wait for the others . We were the first group to reach there! :D
After reaching back at the resort , we needed to write all the information we got onto the mahjong paper . My group finished it around 6.20 like that and then teacher asked us to eat . By then Chiam's group still haven't started and she took her shower already so i waited for her by going back to my group to shower after all the sweating . Later she called me that she had to wear baju batik coz her group members are all wearing so i followed her by wearing lor. We went to the dewan makan for dinner but we were like the only 2 there coz all of them were done eating . The worst thing was the faci was all there and me and Chiam was wearing baju kebaya . They kept staring at us 0_0 the worker there that was handling the food said we both look good in kebaya . We finished dinner then suddenly one of the faci called me to go to their table . I quickly called chiam lah . I thought what they wanted but they just said that i look good in kebaya , asked us where we're from and all plus one of them even speaked Chinese with me . lol. So funny , me and Chiam couldnt make out what he was saying . We went for our Moral class late . But everyone was looking at us coz we're the only 2 chinese girls that was wearing like that . Anyways , after moral we had an hour to lepak so me and chiam like hyper girls went around exchanging numbers and all with the moral boy students . We were the only two girls there at that time (:
Almost everyone was there already and i was waiting for the hot boy to come in so i could go talk to him . At first i was scared lah until chiam kept pestering me to go . In the end i did . I went up to him and said 'Hi , my name is Yankuan . What's yours?' and i shook his hand . He told me his name is Hazamyn and showed me his student tag. Then i asked him to fill up our books with anything . haha . His friend also then said i was pretty that night and took a pic with me . That was really random . As we took a few steps , Chiam suddenly remembered to take a pic with him . At first i was like really ?? Really? Not really sure then she said yes lah , go lah . Then i turned and ask boleh bergambar ? Ofcourse he said yes lah .
Each and every group did their presentation and then we had our group pic taken . And when i was taking my group picture suddenly the kem komandan used the microphone and said 'amoi , you sgt cantik lah hari ini . Nanti kita ambil gambar bersama ya.' I was like huh? Saya? pointing at myself lah cause i was blur . I really took a picture with him lah . After all that we said thank you to all the faci and farewell to each and everyone of the participants . We sang our theme song damn bersemangat .
After that , everyone was taking pictures with each other .
After that , everyone was taking pictures with each other .
We slept really late that night . Chiam and I went to bed at 3 like that after all the sms-ing with the participants and talking on the phone . Btw , Chiam was a big hit over there :D Alot of guys asked for her number :P
Fourth day .
We woke up at 6 and then i went back to my room as i slept in chiam's room . Showered and packed all my stuff cause KL team was leaving after breakfast . Was one of the first there at the dewan makan . The sarawak team was also there as their flight was at 9am . Hazamyn said bye to me . hahahahha. Chiam went to see Tamil to send him the pictures and all . I was at the table then after went over to the guys table to talk to them lah since i was bored . Then later said bye to everyone , we loaded our stuff into the bus and off we go . Everyone slept in the bus for the first few hours on the way back . We were too exhausted . Then stopped by at Benta's R&R for lunch . The selangor team was also there after 20 mins we reached there. Got on the bus and started our journey again but this time , we didn't sleep . The back of the bus was full of laughter and talking . Chiam and I talked to the Putrajaya guys . haha and they were actually sms-ing Yong talking nonsense . LOL. But we really had fun lah . We reached KL about 4.00pm :D
Went home , unpacked all my stuff and i went online cause Jonathan was online and i had to add all the friends from the camp .
Okay , that's all for the camp . :D
Ahhh....such a long post after so long of not blogging .
See you guys soon (:
Au revoir!
Fourth day .
We woke up at 6 and then i went back to my room as i slept in chiam's room . Showered and packed all my stuff cause KL team was leaving after breakfast . Was one of the first there at the dewan makan . The sarawak team was also there as their flight was at 9am . Hazamyn said bye to me . hahahahha. Chiam went to see Tamil to send him the pictures and all . I was at the table then after went over to the guys table to talk to them lah since i was bored . Then later said bye to everyone , we loaded our stuff into the bus and off we go . Everyone slept in the bus for the first few hours on the way back . We were too exhausted . Then stopped by at Benta's R&R for lunch . The selangor team was also there after 20 mins we reached there. Got on the bus and started our journey again but this time , we didn't sleep . The back of the bus was full of laughter and talking . Chiam and I talked to the Putrajaya guys . haha and they were actually sms-ing Yong talking nonsense . LOL. But we really had fun lah . We reached KL about 4.00pm :D
Went home , unpacked all my stuff and i went online cause Jonathan was online and i had to add all the friends from the camp .
Okay , that's all for the camp . :D
Ahhh....such a long post after so long of not blogging .
See you guys soon (:
Au revoir!