It was some kind of weird random event set up by Flashmob \(^_^)/
'..This will entail those taking part to randomly fall to the ground (fall asleep) at the sound of the air horn in the main foyer of UnionSquare (in front of Costa coffee, see pic). This ‘sleep’ will continue until the second air horn sounds (5 minutes later). Then participants will ‘wake up’ and carry on as if nothing happened. Please DO NOT clap or cheer at the end. Be inconspicuous.'Left photo was taken from Abdn Flashmob Facebook Event Page (photo by Angie Matthew)
It was held yesterday~ :P I happened to join along my friends without knowing what was really going on!
So here's my story:

The Next Day

Owh owh! XD I found myself with the girls in the video! (2.23-2.24) Sweet!