Seeing that I don't have the time to recap the drama at the moment, I decided that I should just leave my thoughts on the drama thusfar.
Having watched episodes 4-8 already, I have somewhat formed a stronger opinion on the series. Meaning that it's not all fan-girly and full of the high pitched screams at certain scenes. There is more to You're Beautiful than that. And I'd like to share those thoughts of mine with you guys.
I'll be writing this in installments, and it'll be an overall summary based on characters and how I perceive them. I'm basically experimenting this time, and hopefully it works out well... ^^

Episode 4 greets us with probably one of the most touching scenes in the show, Tae Kyung jumping into the water to save Mi Nyeo, despite all his grumbling and rantings about her. He does care for her, although he doesn't seem to notice it yet. Mi Nyeo, however, proves to be the bumbling git that she can be at times and kicks him unconscious while she swims to surface. But she does remember, eventually, and ends up being the hero of the whole situation, much to Tae Kyung's disgust, haha!

Tae Kyung: Thank HIM? THANK HIM? No! I am NOT thanking him! Director Ahn! I AM NOT THANKING HIM!!!

Jeremy finds himself becoming more and more attracted to Mi Nyeo, only to him, he thinks that she's a guy and therefore the feelings of attraction becomes something evil and dangerous. Something that he needs to stop immediately, which results in him being mean to Mi Nam, bullying her at every opportunity he gets. Ah, Jeremy, if you only knew the truth.

But his reactions when Shin Woo rescues her is hillarious! He sees it as outright betrayal, and he turns to Jolie for comfort, pouting as he crouches with her, feeling all wounded. Aaawwww...
Jeremy: Jolie! You know what it's like? It's as though my heart has been pierced through with a bullet... it hurts so much... Jolie.....
One scene that I absolutely loved in this episode!!!

Jeremy: Hyungs! Have the both of you gone blind?? If girls like Yoo Hae Yi aren't pretty, then who exactly do you like???
Tae Kyung: Go Mi Nam.
Jeremy: ??!?!
Tae Kyung: Go Mi Nam.
Jeremy: ??!?!

We are also introduced to Yoo Hae Yi in this episode, someone who pretends to be kind and angelic but is basically Patzzi, or the evil stepsister who pretends to be all so lovely but in actual fact is a devil from hell. Which incidentally is Tae Kyung's nickname for her, the devil fairy. She seriously carries this role to perfection, she exudes the right amount of b**chiness to those who know her for what she is and she can cover her tracks really well. Sometimes it really makes me wonder if she's really like that in real life.

Hae Yi: That's right. I'm no fairy. The same way you are no angel yourself. So let's just keep it as that, alright? Since we're both pros at this.

Shin Woo has been nothing but the kind, gentle second role man who always watches out for the main lead. He's the one that has been holding fort for her, saving her whenever she meets with close calls and above all, loving her in silence. We see more of this from him as he saves her from Jeremy's pranks, giving her support when she's faced with Tae Kyung's wrath and offering her his gentle smiles and words of encouragement when she's down and suffering alone. We also start to see the jealous side of Shin Woo, who realizes that Mi Nyeo is relying on Tae Kyung a lot more than him... and it hurts. I think that it is at this point too that he realizes that he could be losing Mi Nyeo to Tae Kyung... and there really isn't much he can do about it. But that doesn't stop him from trying to hold on to her.

Shin Woo: You asked Tae Kyung first? Next time, come to me first when you have problems like this.
Mi Nyeo: Huh?
Shin Woo: We are, after all, in a close relationship.
Mi Nyeo: Huh?
Shin Woo: We are, after all, in a close relationship.
A lot of people have said that he was the Ji Hoo that Hyun Joong wasn't. It's inevitable that one would compare that way, but with Ji Hoo he was a character that was growing along with Jan Di, and in that process, he saw her for what she was worth and began to love her for being the way she was. Shin Woo on the other hand, fell for Mi Nyeo as he watched out for her. She was someone new to him, and was probably the closest contact he had to a girl after he debuted in A.N. JELL.

I don't know if I am making any sense here, but I think the reason why I love her character is because of one thing. That she's sincere in her thoughts and actions, which I think is attributed to her convent upbringing.

Plus I absolutely love her expressions! I never used to like Park Shin Hye, she always came across as rather plain and boring in terms of her acting and the roles she played. But she totally changed my mind in this drama! I don't think her past dramas did her talents any justice, and I'm glad that she was chosen for this role. She's doing a splendid job!

We also find out more about Tae Kyung's mother in this episode, as she reveals that the man that has shown her what sincere love was is no other than.. Mi Nyeo's father. News that doesn't sit very well with Tae Kyung, as he questions which memory of which man is she talking about now when he hears that.
Although I'm not exactly convinced that the man in question is Mi Nyeo's father, considering that she has very little recollection of him, and every reference she has of him is based on something that was told to her by someone else. Hmmm...

Tae Kyung also loses some of his harsh cold exterior in this episode as he meanly claims to not want to help Mi Nyeo, but still tries to anyways. Haha! He also displays jealousy when someone else has her attention, that someone in the form of Shin Woo. Muahahaha, he has that childish take on jealousy, and he really reminds me of a little boy in play school, angry that the girl he likes doesn't want to play with his toys and chooses to play in the sandbox belonging to the boy next door instead. ADORABLE!!!!

Their banters are also uber cute, as she's always stumbling over this and that and he treats her like a bothersome child. It's a cute relationship really, as she looks at him as someone that she runs to whenever she's in trouble, and he grudgingly accepts that he has to watch out for her as he just can't let her be on her own. Despite trying to convince himself that he resents her.

Mi Nyeo: How can anyone die from eating this? I didn't know that you had such an allergy...
Tae Kyung: Of course you didn't know. That is exactly why you, Go Mi Nam, are a scary person.
Tae Kyung: Of course you didn't know. That is exactly why you, Go Mi Nam, are a scary person.
And he is starting to feel for her. Even though he doesn't think so yet. But it's obvious, especially when he's faced with the knowledge that she may be leaving A.N.JELL.. and him.

Tae Kyung: So the moment she receives news from here, she'll leave. This really is a handphone which I should be thankful to.

But fate isn't so, as she finds out that the mother she was looking for has passed away. She breaks down, and he finds her after he rushes of in search for her, having read the message that their manager sent her. He sees her, and his face changes to one of concern and hurt as he sees her crying out her pain.
Tae Kyung: Go Mi Nam.
Mi Nyeo: They say that they can't find her. She's no longer in this world. I can never see her... my mother...
Mi Nyeo: They say that they can't find her. She's no longer in this world. I can never see her... my mother...

He crouches low with her, and pulls her into his arms, comforting her as she cries against him. And if this isn't a symbol of care... what is?