Guess my life have been too relaxing these past 2 years~ i am not coping well with the tight schedule nowadays. All these stress and sleepless nights working on my assignments have shown a terrible effect on my face! Please let it be summer again quick!
In this post, i am going to show the lab and field work I have done recently. ^_^ All the photos here are taken with 'CameraBag' in my iphone. Thank you Nano for introducing this wonderful application to me. Im loving it so much ;)
I just had 5 hours of practical today T_T so tiring~..... Going to have another long day tomorrow.. *sob*sob* And I have 3 more reports to hand in next week..... *sob*sob*
This is what I did today.

This is what i did few days ago.
We were recording the number of people born between 1860 to 1869 in the graveyard. It would have been very easy if it wasn't raining that day. T_T
My sweet-sweet friend, Ilona. ^_^

Rabbit Practical last week.
25minutes bus ride from Uni. It was a place with an amount of sand dunes next to the beach. The wind was so damn cold and crazy... How I miss Brunei...
This is what I did today.

This is what i did few days ago.

We were recording the number of people born between 1860 to 1869 in the graveyard. It would have been very easy if it wasn't raining that day. T_T

Rabbit Practical last week.
25minutes bus ride from Uni. It was a place with an amount of sand dunes next to the beach. The wind was so damn cold and crazy... How I miss Brunei...
