Monday, December 7, 2009

Picking Berries and Making Jams in Japan

Hi everyone \(^_^)/ So~ happy!! I have just handed in my report, I am now free!!! (..atleast for a few days..)

Today~ let's talk about JAMS! I love jams, do you love jams?~ Doesn't matter what fruit~ i simply love them! Especially Peter's jam! Hopefully the free jam will keep on coming in ;) *wink*wink*

Last night i had the best fish soup ever!! ~ And it was made by the same person who made my favoarite jam! Thank you so much for the amazing food Peter! ;D

Back to jams~
Last summer in Japan, when we were wwoofing at Shinji san's Beberui..

.....We got the opportunity to pick berries and made jams out of it! @-@ I was so damn sakai.
Pics! Pics! Pics!
So many raspberries! [And so many rasp!! *_*]

Back in Shinji's house, in the kitchen~...

That's it on jams :P


Its the best stop motion clay animation i have ever watch! The film took an hour and a half~ and unlike others, this animation cut me deep, guess it was meant for adults~

Its about the 18 years of penpal friendship between two different people from different part of the world. A lonely 8-year-old girl from Australia and a 44-year-old obese man with Asperger's Syndrome from NY!

Very interesting!
Please watch the trailer! ;D