Got half of other my reports back! I am very happy with the marks!! \(^_^)/ I seriously didn't expect all of this~ Can't wait to tell mum! (My whole family in on vacation in Kota Kinabalu at the moment, semoga perjalanan selamat, amin)
Anyway, I also just handed in 3 of my Computer Modelling reports today \(^o^)/ Woohoo!!! Finally~ WINTER BREAK!!!
Although Uni is over, today im going to post about me in lectures hohoho~Here you go
I almost never miss bringing my laptop to lectures~ I type in my notes instead of jotting them down in my notebook. Reasons are:
(1) I type faster than writting
(2) I have trouble reading my own handwritting (banar!)
I got so used to this that I can now even type everything with my eyes closed
But~ eversince a week ago (after more than a year),
I got tired with typing. So I go back to writting la~..
This is how my notes look like.
I guess~.. I should stick to typing notes afterall -_-'
Atleast I won't be distracted by the fact i am able to doodle as much as i want. (I dont use internet in lectures cause it is obvious and i afraid that i might annoy my other course mates)
Somehow, after a few days bringing a notebook to lectures~.. my interest in drawings grew back to the point I started to make comic diaries during lectures! Is it because I haven't confessed my thoughts much lately? Or is it just my hand feels very gatal because long time already haven't draw?
Argh, if i have known this would happen, I should have brought my diary to lectures. Sayang bah in lecture notes terpulang~ *_*
(1) I type faster than writting
(2) I have trouble reading my own handwritting (banar!)

I got tired with typing. So I go back to writting la~..

This is how my notes look like.

Atleast I won't be distracted by the fact i am able to doodle as much as i want. (I dont use internet in lectures cause it is obvious and i afraid that i might annoy my other course mates)
Somehow, after a few days bringing a notebook to lectures~.. my interest in drawings grew back to the point I started to make comic diaries during lectures! Is it because I haven't confessed my thoughts much lately? Or is it just my hand feels very gatal because long time already haven't draw?