Now here's what you do . . First things First
set priorities and manage your time to meet deadlines
avoid waiting til the last minute . when studying/working get in the habit of beginning with the most difficult subject or task. always be ready to make your brain work, you'll have more energy to take them on when you are at your best. For more difficult courses of study/working task try to be set a time to begin and end - understand that most of the time at work we are limited to certain amount of hours that we can actually work per task , so remained focus and try to finish a little before your "end time".
set and achieve goals
don't just say it , do it . don't just wish it , make it happen . "SAY WHAT YOU MEAN AND MEAN WHAT YOU SAY" and of course the cliche term "Actions speak LOUDER than words"
get over your internal barriers when putting your goals and plans in action
never mind the fact that people don't believe in you. forget about any issues that will not / does not need to be stressed further. and focus on yourself and what you wish to accomplish out of life. regardless of who has your back , know that FIRST you are doing this for the better of you and THEN of course for everyone who actually believed in you
effectively organize your daily actions
step by step . where you will start and where you wish to end. this probably should've came first BUT don't just randomly blurt out things . Needless to say - don't "sell yourself a dream" . understand that in pursuing your dreams , there are steps that need to be taken . . IE lets just say for arguments sake you were interested in modeling during fashion week - NOW don't think cause you have a pretty face you could just walk up there , with no experience , no nothing (it MIGHT work but what are the odds of that? there are thousands of qualified models) - so you need a backup plan . working on your portfolio might work and knowing who to actually work with might help you out to. ALWAYS DO YOUR RESEARCH . don't just do things because they are cool at the moment. plan it out , once again step by step .
make smarter decisions faster
think on your feet or i believe the correct term is be on your toes at all times. an opportunity might slap you in the face and you may not realize it fast enough. learn to make positive and safe decisions as quick as possible . think fast but rationally .
uncover better options
if one job doesn't work for you - there's a 1,000 better ones . . look into them
if studying alone doesn't work for you - look into forming a study group .
SAVE TIME , because you cant get it back .
work in a team or build one
(uncover better options) face it - we all cant do things ourselves although we like to THINK we can . try to maintain or have at least 2 reliable sources/ friends that are trustworthy , dedicated and actually care about your well being - vice versa .
prevent burnout
take a second to sit back and relax (after you are done all your work , obviously) . understand whats in front you and know how to handle it positively . make time for yourself to just take in the fact that in order to be anything , you have to work for it.
Effective aids:
-Create a simple "To Do" list
-Daily/weekly planner
-Long term planner
-Use a monthly chart so that you can plan ahead.
-Long term planners will also serve as a reminder to constructively plan time for yourself
(uncover better options) face it - we all cant do things ourselves although we like to THINK we can . try to maintain or have at least 2 reliable sources/ friends that are trustworthy , dedicated and actually care about your well being - vice versa .
prevent burnout
take a second to sit back and relax (after you are done all your work , obviously) . understand whats in front you and know how to handle it positively . make time for yourself to just take in the fact that in order to be anything , you have to work for it.
Effective aids:
-Create a simple "To Do" list
-Daily/weekly planner
-Long term planner
-Use a monthly chart so that you can plan ahead.
-Long term planners will also serve as a reminder to constructively plan time for yourself
-Decent friends (keep in mind misery loves company and a lot of people don't want the best for you BUT as long as you want it for yourself , you'll understand that people need to be removed from their "pedestals" and walked away from BEFORE they drag you down and carry on with their lives)
Hello Kitty Diamond Watch
Red Alligator
Hello Kitty Diamond Watch
Red Alligator