Ha, surprised? Coz I do post a lot of my pictures right? :P
Well, i dont think its that bad!... *looking back* okay, maybe it is.
You know when you take picture of yourself and you feel like its really good that you wanna show it to the world?.....If only my family and friends would stop teasing me.
Anyway, I WANNA CUT MY HAIR AGAIN! But everyone is stopping me coz they think i look nice with long hair (I think so too.... BUT) Eeeiiiii didnt you people said short hair suits me better before?!
Now my friend is like "Short hairs is for pretty people only, tabam people like you dont suit bahh"
Eii im not pretty kan?
*Friend looked at me in disgust*

Whenever it is, im sure i'll cut it very short 1 day. Its only a week til Hari Raya, and less than 2 weeks til i go back to Aberdeen (Noooooo!!). Maybe i should keep my hair long for Raya, and afterwards - bye bye. 

In my older post, i said something about showing a picture of me after using my curler one day. I never get to fulfill that promise. So~ here you go.
Now now, be nice to Pu3. She loves flowers ya noe :P
Some other thing i wanna talk about - regarding my sibukness and malasness. I didnt go out with my friends much everysince i came back from my trip~ Im sorry for not attending (and forgetting) a few gatherings held.
I really do hope we can hang out more before I go back to uk.
^^ I had so much fun ^^